Has your hair attained the righteous length that can touch your shoulders? Wondering how to style men’s shoulder length hair so you don’t look like a sheepdog with wanderlust? We’ve got the answers for shoulder length hair that refuses to lie down and behave. With the right haircut and styling tips, your longer locks will be shouting about your dangerously sexy scumbag allure.
Pick the Right Cut and Sharpen the Edge

When your hair reaches boss level, it is time to go with the flowing locks and get on board with your natural hair type and texture. Choose a cut and styling technique that speaks to your inner charisma and puts it out there on the corner like nobody’s business.
It's a big change in attitude to let your hair do some decision making, but, by the time your longer hair reaches your shoulders, it’s got some ‘tude of its own. The right men’s hairstyles will work with your facial features, your job, your lifestyle, and the type of hair you have. This includes variables like texture, thickness, and wave.
Shoulder Length Hairstyles Based on Facial Features
What shape is your face and which shoulder length hairstyles for men will make it more ruggedly handsome?
- Oval face: Everything fits with an oval shaped face, so rock any type of shoulder length haircut for men.
- Diamond shaped: You will want short front layers to add some width to the forehead with sides and back longer to reach the shoulders.
- Square face: Most shoulder length styles work well with a square face; you can go with sharper edges and facial hair to make the most of it.
- Round face: The longer shoulder length hairstyles for men will slim down a round face more than short hair Avoid layers on the sides that add volume, as this accentuates the round shape.
- Oblong face: Shoulder length hair works well with an oblong face, but should be layered along the cheekbones to avoid making the face look longer than it is.
- Triangular shaped: Medium length hair to shoulder length works well for a triangular face, especially when it ends just below the chin line to broaden the base of the face.
Ride with the Hair Type You Have
When your hair is shoulder length, it is going to assert itself. You can relate. So if you have thick straight hair, you need a few layers to lighten the load and get a windblown look. If your mop is missing a few threads, keep all the length you’ve got so you don’t frizz out in the heat. Curly hair at shoulder length needs conditioning and definition, or even a tie down to keep it up, down, or back. Whichever way you ride, get a trim every 8 to 12 weeks.
How to Style Men’s Shoulder Length Hairstyles

How much hair care do you want to mess with? You can rock mid-length hair with a low maintenance routine, but doing nothing will get you nowhere. You need a few good styling products and a change from any lingering short hair habits.
- Wash your hair less often with a shampoo designed for daily use. Longer hair needs the natural scalp oils and conditioning hair products or it will snap off or split up. Three times a week may be enough. You’re still going to shower, right? Just rinse your hair on the off days and use a daily conditioner on the ends.
- Lighten up on the toweling, because all that rubbing just makes knots in the locks. Press and squeeze the excess water out, then spray a light hold hair product like Surf Tonic for a wilder windblown look or Grooming Tonic for more curl definition. Comb through with a wide-toothed comb.
- To blow dry or not to blow dry; that’s your next question. The longer your hair gets, the less heat it can take. Air drying is always good for fine washables like your mid-length mane. If you are in a hurry or want the volume turned up, try drying your hair at the roots on the lowest setting and stop blow drying when the ends are still a little bit damp.
- For more hold, definition, or gritty finish, use a nickel-sized dollop of a Grooming Cream or Matte Styling Paste. You’ve got more hair, so you need more product right? Not necessarily. Unless you are going for a full slick-back greaser look, keep the heavier products off your roots and work them through from the middle to the ends of your hair.
- Now, shake it. Yep. Shake it a little while standing up or, for the long-hair-don’t-care effect, hang your head down and give it a full wet dog shake. Admire the shaggy vibe, and then tame it down with your wide-toothed comb to sit behind your ears or smooth the waves. Finish with a light spray of tonic.
Looking For the Best Shoulder Length Hairstyles for Men?

Put the finishing touches on your mop top for scumbag attitude, rock legend grit, or greaser glory. Lead with a celebrity knock-off or switch it up and keep ‘em guessing.
- Throwback Artist. Let your long flowing locks be the focus, tucked behind the ears. Paired with full facial hair, you’ll look like a creative guru who can build a boat or write a manifesto. This style depends on healthy conditioned hair with the right amount of hold to let it move with the moment.
- Full Grunge Bob. A chin length wavy style with a messy part. Tuck one side behind the ear or just let it all hang out. You will want some heavier product in the middle and ends to separate it into sections. Avoid the comb once it’s dry; shape with fingers and that signature head shake.
- The Wet Surfer. This is a wavy shoulder length style with a finished wet look. If you’ve got curls or waves and frizz is your enemy, go wet. Look like you’ve just stepped from the ocean and tossed back a sunbleached mass of manly glory. A clean-shaven face pairs best with the poseidon panache. Work a high shine pomade or styling gel or spray wet hair with surf tonic and don’t touch with a comb afterward.
- The Sophisticated Scumbag. Everything we said about letting it all hang loose and wild? Forget that. Shoulder length hair can be a greaser’s crowning glory or the perfectly smoothed-back executive bombshell. Want to look wiser and tougher than the competition? Start with damp combed hair and use Grooming Cream for low shine or pink pomade for full-out greaseback.
- Barbarian Bun or Stallion Tail. The man bun gets a bad name, but it is a full-blown tradition among those riding into battle who need to see what’s coming and hit a target. Any day, any time, you can wrap up your shoulder length hair in a twist or pony tail and hold down the frizz with a spray of grooming tonic.
- The Astoria. Want some classic rock legend in your life? Wild Horses couldn’t drag you away from this one. Let your hair air dry, working Grooming Cream or Styling Paste through with your fingers, encouraging or creating some wavy texture. Keep it over the ears and pull down some bangs to swagger like Jagger did.
Dare to Draw Stares

Growing your hair out to shoulder length is sure to draw attention, whether you slick it back for the boardroom or let it wave like a garage band lead guitarist. Lead with your devil-don’t-care look and let the stares pile up in your rearview. Confident. Casual. Ready to grab all the attention and then mysteriously disappear into the shadows.
Become a local hair legend, lead a revolution, or avoid facial recognition with a quick flick of your head. There’s no limits on men with shoulder length hair, no telling what they will do, and only the best men’s hair care products from Reuzel can keep this righteous mop looking perfectly badass.